Using the Club's Small Boats

Any Club member who has passed a huli test may use one of the club canoes for practice or racing. Canoes are first come first serve for practice. To reserve a canoe for racing, contact the Small Boat Coordinator. For specifics on reserving the small boats for training or racing, see below.
Small Boat Handling
Treat all club boats as if they were your own. The OC1s are fragile boats. For the longevity of the boats, please observe the following guidelines:
1) Work in pairs at all times when handling the OC1s, one person taking care of the bow of the boat and another person on the stern.
2) No boats should be lifted by the black cockpit lip that holds the spray deck.
3) Before lifting a boat in or out of the water, be sure there is no water in the hull or ama. The additional water weight increases stress on the fragile boats. Also check the ama for water and drain it before storing the boat.
4) Inspect the canoes before using them and report any damage to the Equipment Manager. Also report any damage that may occur during your use of the canoes to the Equipment Manager immediately. The next person taking a boat out may not be aware of any problems, which may lead to safety issues.
5) Write down (and date) anything that is wrong with a boat on the small boat board/notepad posted in the boat house.
Assembling the OC1s
Care should be taken when assembling the canoes. The amas and iakos are not interchangeable. They are color coded with tape to match their hulls. Ask someone to demonstrate how to assemble and disassemble the canoes, and how to adjust the iakos to match your individual skill and comfort level. Be careful when tightening the thumbscrews that tighten the iakos and amas to the boat. They should only be tightened until snug. Over tightening the thumbscrews can cause them to pull a portion of the boat apart.
Small Boats ~ OC1 and OC2
Please observe that canoes should not be used for individual use during regularly scheduled Club practices, time trials, or races. If any of the canoes is not needed for these activities, then they may be used by individuals, but only after it is clear that they will not be needed for practice, time trials, or racing. Or, should the club be short on paddlers to fill boats, all members should work to fill OC6's before paddling individually. If you use a canoe before a practice, please be back to the dock for the start of practice. There is no formal reservation policy at this time. Canoes are available on a first come first serve basis for practice. You must check with a coach first if you have never taken a small boat out. Huli drills are mandatory before individual use of small boats.
Booking the Canoes for Races
When you want to reserve a Club canoe for a race, email the Small Boat Coordinator to request a boat FIRST and go to the club calendar at least two weeks before the event and put your name on the calendar page for the race you are interested in along with the date that you made your reservation. The SBC will contact you two weeks before the race and let you know who is permitted to use the boat if more than one group or person has signed up for the canoe/s. When more people have signed up than there are canoes available, the Small Boat Facility Manager will decide who gets to use the canoes for that race based a number of factors; allowing new people to experience racing, reservation date, experience level, etc. The goal will be to make the canoes available to all interested members throughout the season hopefully without exclusion. The Small Boat Coordinator will keep a log of those who have used the small boats and make sure to allow everyone a chance to use them during the race season. Boats can not be reserved for more than one race at a time and the SBC will make sure that all paddlers interested use them equally throughout the season. After getting approval, please know that you are responsible for taking and returning the canoe to the clubhouse. Return the boat right after the race, making sure the boat is back on the dock for members who have already reserved them. If you decide to not use a reserved boat, cancel your reservation on the calendar website and with the Small Boat Coordinator as soon as you decide.
Transporting the Canoes
When planning to transport a Club OC1 or OC2, contact the Equipment Manager for approval. (See Who We Are: Officers and Coaches, page 13). The Equipment Manager will inspect your vehicle and determine whether or not it meets criteria for safe transportation. A member wishing to transport a canoe must have a vehicle with roof racks that meet the following criteria:
1) Roof racks with a minimum of 36 in. spread between the front and back racks and a rating of at least 150
lbs. Most factory racks are not adequate by themselves.
2) At least one set of saddles mounted on the cross bars to prevent the boats from sliding and shifting during
3) Sufficient foam or other soft material at all points where the canoe contacts the carrying system to prevent
scratching or other damage to the boats.
4) A flag attached to the stern of the boat, meeting the requirements of all state and/or local laws.
Please keep in mind these boats are delicate and care should be taken when assembling, moving, loading, and transporting them, as well as when taking the canoes in and out of the water. Inspect the canoes before loading them, make written note of any existing damage, and report it to the Equipment Manager prior to transporting the canoes. The Equipment Manager will inspect the canoes when they are returned to the boathouse.
The person hauling or borrowing the canoes assumes all risk and is responsible for any damage associated with transporting and using the canoes that is not covered by our Club insurance policy.